Garimpando mestrados – primeiros passos

Estou começando uma série para compartilhar experiências acadêmicas no exterior com meus colegas brasileiros. Ainda não sei se isso vai render um blog específico pra isso, mas vamos começar por aqui mesmo e vemos no que dá. Esse primeiro texto é bem geralzão, pra quem está começando a pesquisar mestrados no exterior, também pode servir … Continue reading Garimpando mestrados – primeiros passos

Tales of Phayartaung – The Village

This is the fourth post about Phayartaung, in Myanmar, a place where smiles come easily and life has a especial taste, of old days, fresh air and love. Phayartaung Monastery is the heart of the village with the same name, a calm fishing village that lies on the banks of the Samkar lake (sometimes referred … Continue reading Tales of Phayartaung – The Village

Meditação – primeiros passos

Relaxa. Respira fundo. Relaxa. 6 minutos marcados no despertador. Senta. Se ajeita. Respira. O caminhão passa lá fora. A porta bate. Tem uma sujeirinha ali. Respira. Foca no movimento do peito. Infla e desinfla. Preciso depilar. E aquela pessoa com quem nunca mais falei? O que eu fiz de errado? Respira mais fundo. Relaxa. Quero … Continue reading Meditação – primeiros passos

Tales of Phayartaung – Phom Phomgyi

This is the third post about Phayartaung, in Myanmar, a place where smiles come easily and life has a especial taste, of old days, fresh air and love. The history of Phayartaung Monastery is the story of Phom Phomgyi, the head master of the monastery. And his life is a history of devotion to provide … Continue reading Tales of Phayartaung – Phom Phomgyi

The children of Phayartaung

This is the second post about Phayartaung, in Myanmar, a place where smiles come easily and life has a especial taste, of old days and slow motion.   The children are the main purpose of Phayartaung Monastery. It was because of them, to provide education for them, that Phom PhomGyi came to this place and … Continue reading The children of Phayartaung

Tales of Phayartaung – the monastery

Phayartaung is a hidden place where happiness is plenty and smiles come easily. This is one of those places that you would assume exists only in dreams, or in another dimension. A place where one can easily forget about the rest of the world and immerse in a flow of happiness and experience a low-pace … Continue reading Tales of Phayartaung – the monastery

Você mudou e não pára de reclamar da cidade, o que fazer?

Isso acontece com frequência, você muda por trabalho, estudo, amor, seja o que for, mas... a cidade não corresponde às suas expectativas, ou simplesmente muitas pequenas coisas te irritam, e você sente que ali não é o seu lugar! Bom, isso já aconteceu comigo inúmeras vezes, e aconteceu agora com Kuala Lumpur, onde estou há quase … Continue reading Você mudou e não pára de reclamar da cidade, o que fazer?

Discovering Kuala Lumpur – Frim and Crown Shyness

Kuala Lumpur is known by its magnificent towers and the modern landscape, but it is surrounded by great parks where one can experience some taste of tropical forests. Today I visited one of these places, Frim - Forest Research Institute Malaysia. This is a research area, a man made forest, established in 1920. The complex … Continue reading Discovering Kuala Lumpur – Frim and Crown Shyness

Almsgiving – giver and receiver are one in this Buddhist ancient tradition

The sun is rising over Samkar lake. The temperature is a bit chilly on the top of the hill, where the monastery sits and some fog covers the mountains. It is possible to hear children playing, talking, and studying… They are out and about and have been awake since 4:30. Their day begins when is … Continue reading Almsgiving – giver and receiver are one in this Buddhist ancient tradition

Singapore – love at first sight

I've never really wanted to visit Singapore, as big cities are not really my thing. But, recently I had to go there to solve some Visa issue and I have to admit that the city was a pleasant surprise. It is green🌳🌿🍃🍀 Every time I've pictured Singapore in my mind, it would come the images … Continue reading Singapore – love at first sight